FAQ 1000: Special Coding for 403(b) Plans


Is there any documentation on ASC handles
403(b) plans?


There is no specific documentation for using
403(b) plans on ASC. There are options available within the reporting and testing to allow the user to administer 403(b) plans.

You can run ACP testing without ADP testing, as well as run the Limit testing and Coverage testing.

There is not a capability within the system to generate the special catch-ups (15-year special catch-up), but you can enter those limits in the override catch-up field. The system will read the individual established employee catch-up limit.

Eligible Employees
In the ADDRESS screen, there is a 403b exclusion indicator in the record to help with coverage testing for special exclusion allowed in 403(b). See the online Help.

Plan Specifications
General-Definition - BENLIMIT - indicate it is a 403b plan in the Plan Type. This specification just alters the defaults such that the ADP sources are Unchecked, though a user could do this manually as well.