FAQ 170: Vesting--Formula for partially paid out participant


I have a small vesting issue:

Beg bal 17352.20
Earnings 1061.71
Distrib -6940.88
End bal 11473.03

Vest % 60
Vest bal 3824.34

I calculate that it should be 11473.03 + 6940.88 = 18413.91 x .6 = 11048.35 - 6940.88 = 4107.47

I don't show other distribution activity for her. Is there somewhere else I should look to see how the system is coming up with a vested amount of 3824.34?


There actually is a formula when a person is terminated and partially paid out.

Here's the formula:

Ending Balance
+ Prior Distribution
- Current Interest
= Net Balance
x Vesting Percentage
= Vested Balance
- Prior Distribution
= Vested Balance used in earnings allocation
x Current Interest/(Net Balance - Prior Distribution)
= Earnings attributable to Vested Balance
+ Vested Balance used in earnings allocation
= Vested Balance

So the calculation in this case would be:

Ending balance 11,473.03
+ withdrawal + 6,940.88
- current interest - 1,061.71
Net balance 17,352.20
% vested 60%
Vested balance 10,411.32
- withdrawal - 6,940.88
Vested bal. for earnings 3,470.44
x earnings x 1,061.71
/ (net bal-withdrawal) / 10,411.32 (17,352.20 - 6,940.88)
Earnings attrib. to vested 353.90
Vested balance for earnings 3,470.44
Vested balance 3,824.34