FAQ 504: Pre-PPA Funding Methods - FIL on report when running Individual Aggregate


I updated the system, and now when I print the Summary of Funding Method and Assumptions, it says I'm using FIL instead of individual aggregate. Is this an error in the system? How do I get it to print correctly?


This may not be due to the update. Printing FIL when running individual aggregate will occur if the assets are greater than the PVFB for the plan, or if the prior Accrued Liability and Normal Cost are not coded in the participants' records (view/find existing/costs/costs). If the assets are greater than the PVFB, change the spec in the Funding Method screen relating to "Limit ISG Allocation to PVFB" to "No." If the prior values are not coded in the participants' costs screen, enter them. In either case, rerun the valuation.
If neither of these situations exist, please send us the plan and we will look at it.