; FAQ 1052: MML MasterCaseList Error for Client=ABC123: Master=D12:15; Plan=D12:108

FAQ 1052: MML MasterCaseList Error for Client=ABC123: Master=D12:15; Plan=D12:108


Error on MML log file: MasterCaseList Error for Client=ABC123: Master=D12:15; Plan=D12:108


MasterCase List Error -
This is the most common error seen, and reflects that the same ClientNo ABC123 was found in Disk:Plan D12:15, then D12:53, then also D12:108 in the example below. This reflects poor library maintenance of plans that are subject to the MasterCaseList. Since it is an index, there should be unique instance of the ClientNo-Disk:Plan. If the user needs to copy the plan to another scratch file library that is not being accessed by the Master Case List if they want to run a side projection or calculation on the plan. This error can be ignored *as long as*the user understands that the first plan that is found is the plan that will be updated. The rest of the plans will be ignored and this error will be produced in the log file.