FAQ 948: ADP - Calculating ATM on failed ADP test without a Match Formula posted


How does ASC calculate the ATM on a failed ADP test without a formula coded?


If the system is not given a formula at all it will still generate an ATM by pro-rating the contributions (match/total deferral - including catchups).

In this case we have John Doe with an ATM of 1182.64.

This is calculated from his match/total deferral = 4230.16/22000=.192280 multiplied by his ADP excess of 6150.63
6150.63 * .192280 = 1182.64

Likewise, review Jane Doe who has an ATM of 1232.59.

This is calculated from her match/total deferral = 4569.24/21704.28 = .210523 multiplied by his ADP excess of 5854.91
5854.91 * .210523 = 1232.59