; FAQ 1124: Error - CompADPcalculate.WritePntLocRecord: Cannot create new Scratchfile record: Entry already exists

FAQ 1124: Error - CompADPcalculate.WritePntLocRecord: Cannot create new Scratchfile record: Entry already exists


I have a take over case. I entered census with deferral information. Ran eligibility and limited compensation. I'm trying to get the SH cost and want to make sure we arrive at 2020 ADP test results similar to what prior RK came up with. I ran the ADP test, checking the SH Cost box. I'm getting an error. Can you please let me know what I'm missing?


This error occurs when the plan is coded with Multiple EE Locations as “Yes” in the ID screen in Planspecs but you don't have locations setup in the plan.

If that is the case here, change that option to “No”, save the specs and the error should go away.