; FAQ 2204: Expanded Earnings Field on Investment Summary

FAQ 2204: Expanded Earnings Field on Investment Summary


Need to allocate an amount in excess of $9,999,999.99 and it won't allocate it.

Is it possible to expand the fields to amounts in excess of $10 million?


You'll need to split this into 2 or more different funds in the main ASC Plan Specs. You can use the same fund description code which will allow you to show them as the same identical fund.

If there is really only 1 person with the majority of the dollars that will make it easier to split out the earnings for allocation and their account balances. In other words, see my example below.

                                    Allocate Earn       Allocate Earn    
Earnings total = 10,004,148.98       6,119,042.58          3,885106.40

                  Acct balance      Split Fund 1            Split Fund2                                          
John Doe (owner)   799,999,999.00    399,999,999.50     399,999,999.50
Pooled EEs         229,999,999.00     299,999,999.00    
Total trust        1,029,999,998.00   629,999,998.50
                  629,999,998.50/1,029,999,998.00 * 10,004,148.98 = 6,119,042.58

When printing employee reports check the box to "Merge Identical Funds" be sure to review the output, you may need to uncheck this if it doesn't look right.