FAQ 308: Reports--Printing life insurance information


I set up a profit sharing plan that has life insurance. I have 3 funds, brokerage, insurance and rollover and one source, employer. I entered policy information in the employee history record and also on the Insurance screen in the employee record. Are there any valuation reports that show the insurance information such as the premium, policy no. and face amount?


To get the insurance valuation reports to print with policy information, input a number (it doesn't have to be the actual figure; just something greater than zero) under PLANSPEC-View-Plan Values-CONTRIB-Total New Premiums field. You will also need to have premiums in the "Paid During Year" field and either the "Increase" or "Prior" Premium field, for the premium amounts to show on the New Insurance report that is part of the Standard DC and 401(k) valuation reports. The Status of Existing Insurance report prints from the employee history record.