FAQ 673: Eligibility--Rehire dates' effect on employee dates


How does the system handle rehires?


In order for the system to calculate entry dates on rehires, it needs *both* a termination date *and* a rehire date in the employee record:

1. Employee was a participant, they reenter on their DORH.
2. Employee did not meet "service"/age before term, they start over from their rehire date.
3. Employee met "service"/age, terminated, then rehired before their original calculated entry date - they enter on their entry following rehire date.
4. Employee met "service"/age, terminated, then rehired after their original calculated entry date - they enter immediately on their rehire date (i.e. they are not held out until the next plan entry date.)
5. EE who was not a Participant, terminates and returns before suffering a BIS, they would continue using their original hire date rather than their rehire date.