FAQ 782: Merging Transactions for a Duplicate Employee


I have duplicate employees (the employee got married) with the same SSN. I need to merge the information into one record.


- Go to Reports, Transactions, Listing
- Select 'List All Transactions' and 'Individual employees' and check the box labeled 'Print in Import Format'
- Select YES to Social Security Number - all other defaults should be fine (although you might consider including temporary transactions)
- Under Printer Setup, indicate you are printing to a file and input the path and file name. Make sure you create a text file (extension should be .txt).
- When prompted, change the index to the SSN - enter the SSN of the participant of that you eventually are going to delete (the one that has the payrolls you want to transfer to the original participant)
- A file will be created with the transactions information in the location you indicated. Check to be sure the file was in fact created before proceeding
- Change the SSN of the participant you just extracted the transactions for - you can delete them later, but we want to be sure everything transferred correctly before deleting.
- Select Utilities, Import, and Variable Transaction. The table name to use is Standard
- Identify the location of the file you create above in the Data File Name box. Make sure you set up your printer, and run as a test.

This process will import the transactions into your existing participant. Once the information has been checked, you can delete the duplicate employee record.