; FAQ 1096: Mortality Tables - 2-D Generational Mortality Projection Scale

FAQ 1096: Mortality Tables - 2-D Generational Mortality Projection Scale


How do I manually import a 2-D generational mortality projection scale that was published by the Society of Actuaries (SOA) or the 2024 Adjusted MP-2021 scale published in Final Regulations?


In most cases, the 2-D generational mortality projection scales are included in patches. In some cases, a manual update is needed.

The 2-D generational mortality projection scale tables have lots of rows and columns, so we've created a simplified way to import the 2-D projection scale tables using the Table Maintenance Import Table function.

On the Client Support Website / UPDATES & DOWNLOADS / ASC SYSTEM TABLES, locate the Scales - 2D Mortality Projection.zip file. This zip file contains the individual projection scales for importing. Unless otherwise indicated, the scales included in the zip file were published by the SOA:

24AdjMPF (Final Regulations 10/20/2023)
24AdjMPM (Final Regulations 10/20/2023)
MP2021 M
MP2021 F
MP2020 M
MP2020 F
MP2019 M
MP2019 F
MP2018 M
MP2018 F
MP2017 M
MP2017 F
MP2016 M
MP2016 F
MP2015 M
MP2015 F
MP2014 M
MP2014 F

After downloading and extracting the zip file, follow these instructions:
1. Go to ASC Main Menu > Access > Table Maintenance
2. Under Functions open the Import/Export Tables option
3. Verify the Import Table from File option is selected
4. Press the Setup button. A file browser will open.
5. Navigate to the extracted files and select the scale to import
6. Press Open
7. Press Import Table to import. If the projection scale is already on your system, a message will be displayed instead of importing it.
Repeat the above steps for each projection scale you intend to import.

To verify the tables have been imported, within Table Maintenance > Defined Benefit, click on Generational Mortality. The listing of installed projection scales will be displayed.

If you imported tables while you have a plan open, go to Plan Specifications > File > Reload tables to refresh which tables are viewable in the drop-down menus.