; FAQ 2184: Wizard DB Batch Excel Census Export

FAQ 2184: Wizard DB Batch Excel Census Export


We want to create a batch of Excel census files for sending to our plan sponsors to collect census data for our DB plans. Is there a wizard that will export employees already in ASC to Excel files? And what can we use to import completed census files back into ASC?


Yes, we have options for census exports and census import. These are in the ASC DB Batch Census Wizard that is available to download from the Client Support Center \ DOCUMENTS \ ASC SYSTEM webpage or at this link:


The DB CensusRequestsWithFullSSN_Excel.zip contains the following:

1) Detailed instructions on using the export wizard and variable import file,

2) An ASC wizard for creating the Excel export files,

3) An accompanying ASCript variable import file that can be used to import the completed Excel files back into ASC once completed.

Download the zip file and review the instructions to learn more.