; FAQ 761: Copying census data from a DB plan to a DC plan

FAQ 761: Copying census data from a DB plan to a DC plan


Can you take a DB census and upload it to a DC plan, or vice-versa? Or does each one have to be loaded or imported separately?


There are a few options for transferring census between plans.

One option to transfer census from the DB plan to a DC plan is as follows:
1. Create a new DC plan
2. Go to File > Copy Plan
3. In the Copy Option, select 'Copy and Clear Employees Fields'
4. Uncheck 'Maintain Transaction Records' and 'Maintain Plan Specifications'
5. In the Copy from Plan section click Setup to select the DB plan that will be used to copy data into the newly created DC plan.
6. Click OK. The census will be copied including history.

Another option is to use the Utilities > Export > DC Census to DB from the DC plan to transfer employee fields in common between the DC and DB plans. This utility will only transfer from the DC plan to the DB plan and is only available from the DC plan main menu. Refer to FAQ 490 for more details on this option. Click F1 in the menu for a listing of fields that will transfer from the DC plan to the DB plan.