; FAQ 766: PPA calculation of PVAB using segment rates

FAQ 766: PPA calculation of PVAB using segment rates


How does the system calculate PVABs using the PPA segment rates?


Select the three tiered rates for the plan year from the dropdown menu on the Assumptions > 417E screen, and input the applicable mortality table (usually in RPyyC U format where yy represents the last 2 digits of the plan year).

When Calculations > Valuation are run, the present value as of the valuation date will be calculated using the 417(e) tiered rates and mortality table.

The Present Value of Accrued Benefit is stored in the employee record Benefits \ ACCRBENF screen in the Present Value of Accrued Benefit for 417(e) field.

The 417(e) present value factor is stored in the employee record Benefits \ ACCRBENF screen in the Annuity Rate for 417(e) field. You can check the 417(e) present value factor by using the Calc PV Factors function in Table Maintenance by entering the same tiered rates and mortality assumption as the Assumptions \ 417E screen using the employee's Current Age and Retirement Age as of the valuation date.