; FAQ 786: Mortality Tables - Import New Tables

FAQ 786: Mortality Tables - Import New Tables


We have loaded all the releases and patch files, but the 2025 PPA mortality tables are not on our system in Table Maintenance. Are we missing something?


Mortality tables are not included with the system releases or patches. Instead, they are available from our Client Support Center to download and install to your system.

On our client support website, click on the Updates & Downloads tab and select ASC System Tables. The PPA2025MORTALITY.zip file contains the required 2025 Funding and Applicable Mortality tables.

The file 'Mortality Tables in ASC - A Comprehensive Guide.pdf' has the information about how to load any table that you download from the Client Support Center onto your system. The following link will direct you to the guide - https://csc.asc-net.com/csc/asc_client/download/Tables/Mortality%20Tables%20in%20ASC%20-%20A%20Comprehensive%20Guide.pdf

Older tables can also be downloaded if needed.
- Final 2008, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025 PPA mortality tables can be found in their respective PPA20##MORTALITY zip file.
PPA2024MORTALITY.zip and PPA2025MORTALITY.zip also contain the Pri-2012 Base Tables and generational mortality improvement rates published in 10/20/2023 Final IRS Regulations.
- PPA2016MORTALITY.zip also contains RP2000RM, RP2000 RF, RP2000RM and RP2000EF as published in IRS Regulation 1.430(h)(3)-1.
- PPA2009to13Mortality.zip contains the RP tables for the years from 2009 to 2013
- PPA2014&2015&SOA2014MORTALITY.zip contains the RP tables for the years 2014 and 2015, the original 2006 Base tables and the SOA RP2014 mortality tables including the Total Dataset, White Collar, Blue Collar, Bottom Quartile and Top Quartile versions.
- The Pri-2012 Base Tables are also available in Pri-2012Mortality.zip.

Future mortality tables will be made available for download in the Tables section of our website shortly after the IRS issues them. Typically, an announcement is made on the Client Support Login page when a new set of tables is available.