; FAQ 954: Participant Gemini Logon ID

FAQ 954: Participant Gemini Logon ID


What are the specific requirements for the participant Gemini Username:

Minimum and Maximum characters
Required letters and/or numbers
All caps, or both allowed

Same questions for the password.


The Gemini Username - Gemini Logon ID on the Address form - has the following requirements:

-> 4-12 characters (containing letters, digits and underscores)
-> First character must be a letter
-> Letters are not case-sensitive

The Gemini Password has the following requirements:

-> 8-16 characters
-> Only letters (case sensitive) and digits
-> Must have at least 2 digits, 2 upper-case letters and 2 lower-case letters

This is noted with more details in the document - Gemini Change Username or Password.docx - available from the Client Support Center under Documents/ASC System.