FAQ 1005: Batch or Global Functions in ASC


What types of functions can we perform in Batch across multiple plans on ASC? Or things that perform multiple tasks on one plan?


Wizards - Multiple Tasks across a single Plan
• Runtests.wzd - This runs all the DC compliance tests for a single plan. I've attached the write-up on this, OneStepCompliance.doc.
• RunDCDBCombo.wzd - This runs the Combo Report, plus the 410b, 401a4 and 401a26 tests for a DB/DC combo plan set. See Chp. 8 in the DB Reference Manual.

Wizards - Single Task across Multiple Plans
• Census Request wizards - There are multiple wizards that may be run to create the employee data census request files. They vary based those using the Gemini web portal or not, for DB and DC plans. You can also have these customized.
• Plan Maintenance Wizards - Wizards are available to Delete Plans, Copy Plans and Roll plans forward to the new year.

Other Multiple Plan Functionality
• ASCript Import - Allows the import of Plan Spec data to multiple plans. (e.g. import new plan data on a block of takeover plans)
• ASCript Export - Allows the export of Plan Spec data elements across multiple plans (e.g. list all plans that are marked as "Partnership")
• ASCript Edit - Allows the edit of Plan Spec data across multiple plans (e.g. edit a vesting schedule across all plans)
• Reports-Other - Scans employees in multiple plans and develops list of stated data (e.g. 70.5, Certain Age, Actives & Terms, Assets). It may also be used to find a particular employee in your plan database.

Note that these are accessible from the main ASC menu when no Plan is open.