; FAQ 2203: Duplicate an employee in ASC

FAQ 2203: Duplicate an employee in ASC


Is there a way to duplicate an employee in ASC? I need to add a second employee for a second location and was hoping not to hand enter all his history.


Here are the steps to copy a single employee. • Create a copy of the plan in ASC that has the employee you want to copy. • Open the plan you want to import the copied employee to. • From the ASC main menu, click File Copy Plan o Select 'Merge Census from another plan' o Press 'Setup' to select the copied plan with the employee you want to copy o Press the spy glass next to 'Copy only Employee Key' to select the employee to copy. o Press Ok Here is a screenshot of this menu. Note the Employee Key, Disk, and Plan numbers would be different on your system. After performing the above steps, there will be two employee records of the same employee. Consider using their Memo field or Employee Notes on their NAME screen to help identify any differences.