FAQ 813: Audit Log - how to activate


Please let me know how to activate ASC's Audit log.


ASC Auditor Log

The ASC Auditor logs changes to the employee data in an ASC plan. It is enabled with settings in \ASC\ASC.INI as follows:





For each plan, the system writes to a tab-delimited log file:


This file is in the same directory as the Employee File Dxx####.DAT. The AuditorFile=Y in the [ASC] section is required to create the log file. If AuditorHeadings=Y is selected, the file has column headings when it is created.

ASC logs the opening and closing of the plan. It copies the LOG file during Portable Copy In and Out and deletes the file when the plan is deleted. It erases the file during an annual update.

Employee and ASCript log changes to the employee data:

Date, Time, UserName, "Add", Employee Key

Date, Time, UserName, "Delete", Employee Key, SSN, Name

Date, Time, UserName, "Update", Employee Key, SSN, Name, ItemName, ItemValueNew, ItemValueOld

ASCript also logs the Import process (if AuditorScript is selected):

Date, Time, UserName, "Import"

If AuditorTransactions=Y is selected in the [Employee] section, the log file has additional fields showing the creation of new transactions and the editing or deletion of existing transactions.

Date, Time, UserName, "AddTrn", Employee Key, SSN, Name, “TRAMOUNT”, ItemValueNew,””,TrKey,TrDate,TrType,TrFund,TrSource,TrBatch

If AuditorTransactions=Y is selected in the [ASC] section, the log also has entries when certain ASC transaction menu commands are invoked. This entry is required for the file to have headings for the transaction fields.

Money Manager Link (MML) also logs changes but requires its own entries in the INI file. The AuditorFile=Y in the [MML] section is required to create the log file. If AuditorHeadings=Y is selected, the file has column headings when it is created.