FAQ 870: Copy census from DB to A9 plan or Vice Versa


What's the best way to copy employee census information from a DB plan to an A9 plan or from an A9 plan to a DB plan?


There are 3 ways to copy census data:
You can create the new plan in the DB system, then use from the DC plan, go to Utilities > Export > DC census to DB. Enter the disk and plan number of the DB plan, set up your printer and hit OK. Items transferred: Name; SSN; Officer; Ownership %; Family/Spouse/Lineal Descendant & Ascendant; Key and HCE status; location code, DOB, DOH, DOT, Rehire date, hours and compensation (into both current comp and comp rate in DB).

• We have a utility that can transfer basic census data such as names, dates and compensation, between A9 and DB plans. To use this feature, you must first create a new plan under File - New Plan (create a new DB plan, in this case), then select File - Copy Plan. You will then need to uncheck "Quick Copy" and check "Copy and Clear Employee Fields". The "Maintain Transaction Records", "Maintain History Records", and "Maintain Plan Specifications" options will then be enabled. You can uncheck all these options, bringing over basic census data only. Then click on the "Setup" button and choose the A9 plan to copy the census from. Note: In order to transfer data between A9 and DB plans, the option "Maintain Plan Specifications" must be unchecked. If not, an error message will appear indicating that the "Plan is not type DB (or A9)".

• The other option for moving data between DC and DB plans is to create a file of the census data that you want to move, and then use our import routine to bring the data into the alternate plan. Here are the steps to do it electronically:

1. Create a grid in the DC case with the data that you want to move, e.g., name, SSN, DOB, DOH, DOT, Comp, hours. Go to View-Grid-export to file to create a tab-delimited data file.

2. Open the file in notepad and delete the headings lines, so that the first line shows just data.

3. Open up the DB case and run the importer wizard routine. You can review chapter 3 of the Systems reference manual from ASC main menu-Help-Manuals.