; FAQ 992: DGEM document and Val system integration

FAQ 992: DGEM document and Val system integration


Could you please direct me to step by step instructions (or tutorial) to enable me to import my plan data from DGEM into the valuation program? I see in the Planspec's File menu an option for Import DGEM, but it is grayed out so I can not select it. I have my plans in DGEM (have been using for a while) and just installed the val system.


please use the following instructions:

Details with screenshots for this are found in the Systems Reference Manual under the main ASC menu-Help, chapter 7 (and attached).

To complete the automation you must have some special coding and processes completed prior to attempting to import from DGEM.

• Use Notepad to edit the ASC.ini file in the ASC directory as follows, If you already have a [PlanSpec] section, add these as the last two lines to the end of it (you may copy/paste from here):

• You must also input the DGEM Client Number in the main ASC menu, click on Utilities-ASC Systems\activating the ASCUtil program. Select View-Client Information and input your DGEM Client Number in the bottom field, click OK. Exit.
• Select a client from these document types:
The document types that this process works with are the following and their PPA counterparts:
o PS/401(k) VS AA
o PS/401(k) Traditional VS AA
o PS/401(k) Prototype AA (nonstandardized)
o PS/401(k) Standardized Proto AA.
o 403(b) 501(c)(3) AA
o 403(b) Salary Reduction Only AA
o 403(b) Governmental AA
o 403(b) Church AA
o EGTRRA DB Cash Balance AA
o PPA DB Cash Balance AA
o PPA DB Integrated AA
o PPA DB Non-Integrated AA
o C3 PS/401k Checklist and AA - The C3 AA must be set to a "Final" status for the system to recognize the C3 AA as the effective feature for integration.

• Next open that client plan in ASC, be sure it is a plan you have setup in DGEM with one of the above plan document types. Also be certain to have the plan number (e.g. 001) and Trust ID# in the CORPORAT screen of the Plan Specs. This is the identifying data that will link the ASC system and DGEM system for your individual plans. Click on File-Import DGEM.